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Kaze to Ki no Uta Sanctus: Sei Naru Kana
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Kaze to Ki no Uta Sanctus: Sei Naru Kana

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The Poem of Wind and Trees, The Song of the Wind and the Trees, Kaze To Ki No Uta: Sei Ni Naru Ka Na, KazeKi, 風と木の詩 SANCTUS-聖なるかな-
Status: Ongoing Studio: Released: 1987 Duration: 59 min. Type: Anime Episodes: 1 Posted by: admin Released on: Updated on:
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Synopsis Kaze to Ki no Uta Sanctus: Sei Naru Kana

1887, at a remote, elite boarding school in France: Serge Battour returns after his graduation, and remembers the days of his youth…

1880, at the same school: Son of a viscount and a Roma prostitute (both deceased), Serge is intelligent, sweet, talented, and alienated by his family due to his heritage. Upon being sent to his new school, he rooms with Gilbert Cocteau, a gorgeous loner of a boy who sells his body for reasons unknown. Serge's attempts to reach out to Gilbert fail spectacularly, and yet there is something in both of them that attracts them to each other.


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